2nd and Crystal Park is a small pocket park located in the City's Downtown, a short walk from SunRai ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
Bellamy Park is a neighborhood park located in the southcentral area of Maitland and is open from 8a ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
Bently-Wilson Park offer playground equipment and a Shelter available for rent. Seats about 30 peopl ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
Central Winds is packed with amenities for all to everyone! This park contains picnic pavilions, a p ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
Often referred to as the “castle park,” the Community Playground is a very large wooden structure th ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
Friendship Park has a playground, shaded picnic shelters and restroom.
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
A hot summer day is no problem under the shaded playground. A nice, little neighborhood park with a ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
This small neighborhood park offers both active and passive recreation options including an equipped ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
Renovated in 2015, Kings Row Park is located at the corner of E. Adams Dr. and S. Thistle Lane. This ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
This 9 acre park surrounds Casselberry City Hall. Home to Casselberry Jazz concerts and the Casselbe ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
The Maitland Community Park is a beautiful 25 acre tree-filled park that boasts many recreational ac ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
Park Amenities Restrooms Playground 5yr - 12yr old play equipment BBQ Grills Lighted Electric ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
Park Amenities: Basketball Court Pavilion Picnic facilities Playground Equipment
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
Park Amenities Restrooms Playground 2yr - 5yr old play equipment 5yr - 12yr old play equipmen ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
The playground is inviting to children from ages 2-12, and features slides, climbing apparatus and s ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
Raven Park is a .25-acre mini-park located in the northeastern area of the City, approximately .25 m ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
Park Amentities: Boardwalk Grill Lighted Basketball Courts Lighted Tennis Courts Outdoor Racq ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
A neighborhood park with a playground and a large pavilion. Great facility for hosting a family reu ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
Sandalwood Park is a neighborhood park located along Sandalwood Way in the northwestern area of the ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks
Shadow Hill Park is an 8-acre neighborhood park located along Sunset Drive in the northwestern area ...
Category:Playgrounds and Parks