Nathaniel’s Hope is dedicated to celebrating kids with special needs (VIP kids), as well as educating and equipping the community to provide practical assistance to VIPs and their families.
All of our events and programs are FREE to VIP families!
-VIP Birthday Club -- 12,000+ VIP kids all over the world are celebrated on their birthdays. Upon enrollment, we send VIPs a plush bear, as well as a card for their birthday.
-Buddy Break -- A national Parents' Day Out/respite program where VIP kids and their siblings have fun, while their caregivers get a much-needed break.
-Make 'm Smile -- the BIGGEST party celebrating kids with special needs! This community festival is held annually the first Saturday of June in Orlando, FL.
-Christmas with Nathaniel's Hope -- VIP kids and their siblings are provided FREE toys through Nathaniel's Toy Shop in Central FL; Caroling Caravan brings toys and holiday cheer to homebound VIPs; and Caroling for Kids shares hope at children's hospitals on Christmas day!