Welcome to Wonder Kidz Academy, a quality learning center located in Florida - an innovative and affordable concept in childcare and preschool education. We are dedicated to providing the best care for your child while encouraging an environment filled with fun and education. We offer child care for children ages one to school age and our planned activities for age-appropriate growth and development are always guided. Inside and out, our childcare program is designed for a positive experience for a child and parent alike.
Our full-time childcare center offers the finest facilities available for children ages 12 months to school-aged, including being a Florida VPK Provider. Our VPK program follows the state required guidelines and is designed for 4 to 5 year olds to prepare them for their all important school years ahead. We offer an extensive school-age program for before and after school and planned activities to keep them busy with age appropriate groupings of ages 5 to 7 year olds and 8 to 12 year olds