On Mission Martial Arts has classes for all different ages, levels of experience and interest. All of our programs consist of three basic elements:
1) Christian martial arts/self-defense program
2) Spiritual fitness program
3) Engaging in acts of service to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ through both word and deed.
For students ages 4-6. In this program students will receive age appropriate martial arts and self-defense techniques, Bible based character trait development and an introduction to Christian service.
All students aged 7-12 years old will be in this program. This program emphasizes age appropriate martial arts and self-defense techniques, Bible based character trait development and an introduction to Christian service.
For students 13+ who desire to make the full commitment to accomplish a rare and honorable task – becoming an On Mission Black Belt. Students in this program will be trained, encouraged and challenged to growth in all three elements of the OMMA program.