Our mission is to be a Christ-centered, biblically-based, homeschooling resource for you and your family. As
a group, we learn and grow together, serving each other while we homeschool our children. And in all we
do, we trust in God to continue to guide the mission of NHE families!
We look forward with great anticipation to see what God has planned for our Co-ops and all of our families
in the upcoming school year. Registration information and class schedules are posted on the website and
sent out via email, once all the information is confirmed. Usually by June for the Fall semester and by
November for the Spring semester.
The purpose of Discovery is to provide a place where NHE parents can
● share the responsibilities of teaching their children one day a
● benefit from each other’s strengths in subject areas different
than their own.
● connect with each other for support and encouragement.
And where students can
● participate in enrichment activities.
● experience hands-on activities.
● make friends and have the opportunity to interact in a class