We are a Full Accredited Online Curriculum starting 4th Grade to 12th Grade:
We have a full curriculum that is proctor monitored, with parents kept fully informed of student progress. Accredited Curriculum that is perfect for students. We improve grades and reduce study times. Remote Study on your schedule
freeing time for other weekday extra curricular activity.
With each Student and Parent we setup a custom study plan designed for success! There is no lost time, when switching in the middle of a school year. With current school transcript we can advance credit for previous completed study.
Our Program is geared to make students eligible for entry to college on scholarships. Students who enroll in our courses, can select initially which courses they are interested in, and can even make up and achieve advanced status from their previous studies.
All students are required to attend weekend cadet training, usually 3 weekends a month, with special events quarterly.