Teen Court is based on the philosophy that a youthful law violator is less likely to continue to be an offender when a jury of their peers decides their punishment. Teen Court has proven that it does interrupt developing patterns of criminal behavior by promoting feelings of self-esteem, motivation for self-improvement and a healthy attitude toward authority. Teen Court challenges the offenders as well as the volunteer teens to perform at their highest level. Teen Court helps the offender and the volunteer learn the responsibilities of being a good friend, family member and citizen in today's society.
A juvenile who accepts responsibility for the charge (guilty or no contest) in a first time misdemeanor case may be referred to Teen Court and become the defendant in a prosecutor, defense attorney, judge and jury setting. Every defendant serves on at least one Teen Court jury (as a sanction) and, once all other sanctions are met, the juvenile (defendant) can become a member of the Teen Court. Teen Court volunteers are students from area schools who have volunteered to serve in this judicial setting. Any student can serve on Teen Court. The requirements to serve are age, no pending charges or sanctions, and interest. Prior to actual participation, they receive extensive training in Courtroom Procedures, Juvenile Justice Procedures and Sanction Philosophy.
Adult Volunteers- Hearing Officers
Hearing Officers are essential to the Teen Court program. Potential volunteers must complete the background screening with the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office. The volunteer Hearing Officer conducts an informal hearing with the juvenile, the parents or guardian, the victim and law enforcement. After considering all information, the Hearing Officer assigns sanctions). Although no specific requirements are necessary, a Hearing Officer must have a sincere interest in juveniles. Certain personality traits have proven beneficial. Good decision making skills, as well as the ability to be direct and firm without being harsh, are very helpful in dealing with troubled youth and families. If you are interested in volunteering as a Hearing Officer, more information can be found our on website.
Teen Volunteers
Teen volunteers, ages 13 to 17 act as defense attorney, prosecuting attorney, bailiff, clerk and/or juror. The only participating adult in the courtroom serves as a judge. All adult volunteers must complete screening through Human Resources. Typical cases heard in Teen Court include shoplifting, vandalism, minor battery, and disorderly conduct. Adolescents interested in serving as a Teen Court volunteer, please contact the PAY program at TeenCourt@seminolesheriff.org.