The Emil Buehler Perpetual Trust Planetarium at Seminole State College of Florida offers live, interactive shows and full-dome video presentations that are unlike any planetarium show you'll ever experience. From traditional star displays and cultural shows that detail the importance of astronomy around the world, to feature presentations that whisk you through the depths of outer space, the planetarium has something for curious stargazers of all ages.
Field Trips:
The Emil Buehler Perpetual Trust Planetarium at Seminole State College proudly presents the “Seminole Space Science” series of shows for public, private and home school groups throughout Central Florida. Designed to cover every Sunshine State space science standard, these shows are live and interactive, hosted by the knowledgeable planetarium staff, and kept up to date with the very latest information and new discoveries. It’s truly an “out-of-this-world” experience!
Please note that we require a minimum of 10 visitors (including students and chaperons) to schedule a show.