Diving into friendship with GOD.

MS VBS has a few spots left, K-5 is FULL!


June 3- 7, 9am – Noon

Students entering K-5th grades are invited for a fun faith-filled week at Vacation Bible School 2024! Our theme is SCUBA, Dive Into Friendship with God! Spots are limited on this faith-filled adventure exploring how God is a real friend that your child can trust and love forever.

The cost is $15 and includes a t-shirt, snacks, and all activities. June 3rd-7th from 9am-12pm. 

Middle School VBS

June 10-14,  9am – Noon

Students entering 6th-8th Grade are invited for an absolutely amazing week of Vacation Bible School geared for MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS!  It is the most amazing week ever with adventureful activities geared for middle schoolers with the same amazing Biblical content that our k-5 students enjoy! We have live music, amazing speakers, delicious snacks, in depth small group discussions, water day (everyone loves water day) and so much more. 

The cost is $30, which includes a t-shirt, daily snacks and all activities. It’s the best week ever!!


Please use our Walmart List to help us purchase supplies for VBS.  This is a huge help to our yearly budget.  Thank you for your generosity!

This year our VBS Offering will help kids in Honduras get clean drinking water!